Discipline Procedures for Riverview

1. Any behavior that is dangerous, disruptive, or unruly that interferes with the ability of the teacher to teach effectively will be handled in an appropriate manner by the classroom teacher or playground supervisor. Individual teachers will establish rules of order for their classroom and their instructional style. Teachers will share these rules with students as well as with the Principal. If students or parents have any questions about the rules of a classroom teacher, they may ask that teacher or the Principal.

2. If the classroom or school rules are not followed, depending on the severity of the student's behavior, the staff at Riverview will generally use the least restrictive consequence available in the following continuum:
..... Teacher / Student Conference
..... Student Movement within the classroom ("Take a Break")
..... Student Timeout to Buddy Classroom
..... Student Sent to the Principal's Office

.......... In the office: A "Better Choices" sheet is given that asks the student to describe what they did, why, how it affects them and the class, and what would be a better choice. This sheet will be returnedto the classroom teacher for approval, signed by the teacher, sent home, signed by the parent, and one copy returned.

.......... Each student who is sent to the office will be addressed by the Principal, possible logical consequences:

............... Cleaning up of the lunch room or other spaces
............... Lunch Detention
............... Recess Detention
............... After School Detention
............... Parent / Principal Conference
............... In School Suspension
............... Out of School Suspension
............... Alternative School Placement
............... Expulsion
............... Police Referral

3. We strongly believe that our disciplinary authority is an extension of the parental authority. Just as parents may have different discipline styles, there will be differences of opinion as to the level or method of consequence for disciplinary action. Therefore, every effort is made to call whenever a disciplinary referral is generated for conduct to maintain open dialogue. Parents are encouraged to call the Principal if there are ever any questions they have about procedure or discipline.