
The Library has library quality bookcases, tables and chairs. Though they are very durable, it is important for the students and other users of the LMC to understand the importance of taking good care of the furniture. We discuss this in each of my library classes, primarily at the beginning of the year, and throughout the year "as needed."

We also have a grouping of what I call our "soft furniture"...a sectional couch and cushion set in bright primary colors. During the Fall of 2007 we purchased 4 bean bag chairs with our Scholastic Book Fair profit (via their catalog). It is hard for some of our students to keep their feet off of our soft furniture. Some students like "plop" down, sprawl out, kneel on, or kick at these pieces of furniture. For those particular students, they may be told they will have to sit on the "hard" chairs at the table or on the story rug.